An open letter to 3 News

IF filmstrip

Dear 3 News,

I wish to express my dismay and disgust at the tone of your political coverage.

I find it astounding that your political reporters continue to find fault with Labour Party politicians, while almost completely ignoring all of the terrible things being done by National. What exactly has Labour done wrong to justify this negative coverage, apart from make a number of terrible blunders?

I will give you an example of bias. In Wednesday’s bulletin your political editor Patrick Gower took Labour’s leader to task over his failure to declare a pecuniary interest. But where was the balance? Where was the story raising questions about a senior National Party person, such as a cabinet minister? Apart from the Judith Collins story, obviously.

How dare Patrick Gower raise questions about the Labour Party! Who does he think he is? Some sort of investigative journalist or something? This has to stop! If 3 News wishes to avoid allegations of bias, then it needs to stop running anti-Labour stories. Please just focus on the facts, which will be the ones we send to you. On that subject, I am sending to you by post a package containing a number of recent Labour Party press releases. Please republish these word for word. Actually, just hold fire on that request. I seem to have mistakenly sent the package to a National Party cabinet minister.

I trust that you will take immediate action to correct this anti-Labour bias. Please don’t force me to go to the Broadcasting Standards Authority over this matter, because you and I know that they’ll throw out my complain, and that means I’ll just continue to accuse your network of bias and corruption. Is that really what you want?

One thought on “An open letter to 3 News

  1. Pingback: Imperator Fish on media bias | Kiwiblog

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