Right thinking: Just looking after the investor


Conservative columnist Frank Shizenhausen cuts through the crap

This Maurice Williamson business stinks. Why should a good hard-working minister have to resign over such a minor thing? All he did was put a little pressure on the police. Where’s the harm in that? Isn’t that what we pay our MPs for? To look after our interests and help us when we get into bother?

If I gave a pile of cash to a political party I’d expect at least one get-out-of-jail-free card.

If I threw thousands of dollars at a political party and then found my company was having difficulties with Chinese customs officials, I’d want to know there was a minister ready and willing to intervene on my behalf.

If I gave $22,000 to the National Party I’d want more than a mere “thank you very much”. I can get a handjob on K Road for a hundy, so twenty-two grand would have to get me something fairly spectacular.

Wasn’t Maurice Williamson simply providing the service his party was paid to perform?

Mr Liu invested a lot of money with the National Party. Isn’t he entitled to see a return on his investment?

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