The Accidental Engagement

I told the AI image generator that the man had to be smoking a pipe. Stupid AI!


Anyone who more than occasionally visits this site will have noticed that I very seldom post. But that was not always the case. I was once a prolific poster of content. So what changed? Well..

It all started a few years back. I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across a post by a politician I have no time for. It doesn’t matter who. Actually it matters hugely, but I can’t bring myself to disclose his/her/their name. It would only make things worse. So what did I do? I liked their post, of course. Only to realise seconds later what I had done. The horror! I hadn’t meant to do it, I swear. I had intended to scroll down and just ignore that person’s BS. But when I touched the screen, I accidentally pushed the “like” button. It was the literally worst moment of my life. Certainly one of the worst. Quite possibly one of the lower points in my existence, if not in that entire year then certainly in that day. So it was bad!

I quickly unliked the post, but it was too late. A record had been created somewhere in the internet, a record that may never be extinguished. There now exists a record of my agreeing with a complete pillock whose monstrous utterances deserve our undying scorn and whose political speeches can be neatly summarised as “series of mouth farts”. So there you have it. I am ashamed. I know what I did, and Mark Zuckerberg also knows (or has the capacity to know, should he care to do so). Hence my almost complete withdrawal from all public life. What other choice did I have but to stifle my modest political ambitions? The truth was bound to come out the moment I became World President. I might have been the target of moderate amounts of criticism over my error from people I didn’t know or care about. So there you go. It all comes down to shame.

One day I may also tell you how I voted in the 1996 general election, but the self-loathing is still too strong.

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