How Was Your World IP Day?

Well, yesterday sure was a big one. World IP Day is always keenly awaited by the IP profession, and this year’s event was huge.

It started with a champagne breakfast, but that ended when one of my colleagues slapped a cease and desist order on the cafe for not using the more appropriate term Methode Traditionelle.

And that was just the start of the revelry. Once we were tanked up we went back to our offices, drafted a bunch of nonsensical software patent specifications, filed them, then watched as the entire New Zealand software industry came crashing down.

That left us just enough time to patent the entire human genome before lunch.

After a delightful repast we returned to our work, drafting threatening letters to everyone in the country who has an internet connection. That took care of most of the afternoon, leaving only half an hour to lobby government to extend all copyright terms indefinitely and retrospectively.

Following a cocktail function held with the US TPP team, we hit the town. And when I say “hit the town” I mean we plastered the town with posters saying “Copyright theft is a crime”.

It sure was a big day, and it’s left me shattered. Thankfully, I find a glass of human blood always revives.

I hope your World IP Day was as eventful.